Our Core Team
Cleaning Company is a minority owned business with a large group of specially trained, dedicated employees to provide professional service with a personal touch.

Praful Yerwankar
Founder Director
Praful has vast experience in the field of Facility Management and Staffing services. He is a MBA from Welingkar Institute. He has worked with companies like Global Innovsource, Teamlease Services and Yoma Business Solutions. Praful was part of the core team with Global Innovsource and Yoma Business Solutions . Global Innovsource is now a 500cr company and Yoma Business Solutions is a 100cr company.

Sangram Jagtap
Co-Founder & Director
Sangram has 15years of experience in the field of Facility management. He is a hotel management graduate and has done MBA – Operations. He has worked with companies like G4S, Unisol, Sodexo and Global Innovsource before starting HandsOn. Sangram was a part of the core team which set up the facility management business in Global Innovsource.